Freedom: Live Your Life

Start living a more free life. Let go of the things holding you back from living YOUR life the way YOU want to. Create the life you want to live. Be free.

  • Freedom of worries about the future

    • It will work out in the end. Take a deep breath.

  • Freedom of worries about what others think of you

    • Have confidence in yourself. You are awesome.

  • Freedom of judgment

    • Limiting the judgment we have about others, we are not ones to judge, we arent perfect either, we are all just living our lives. 

  • Freedom of the daily stress life gives you.

    • Take a deep breath, it’s not as deep as you think. 

  • Freedom of expectations

    • Don’t do what others expect you to do. Trying to meet expectations that don’t align with your values and goals is not the way to happiness. 

  • Freedom to explore

    • Life is so awesome. Go and see it. 

  • Freedom to do you

    • Do what you want, when you want. Who cares if it's not what everyone else is doing. 

  • Freedom to feel your emotions

    • During all seasons of our emotions, good, bad, sad, angry, we need to feel them, we are humans, not robots.

  • Freedom to be creative and play

    • Do what you want to do, create what you want to create. 

  • Freedom to be yourself

    • You are so awesome and no one should limit you of your awesomeness.


Perfectly Imperfect, Just Like a Seashell


My First Authentic Season