My First Authentic Season

“Be aware of what season you are in and give yourself the grace to be there.” — Kristen Dalton

I tend to think of seasons a bit more like the ones you are choosing from on netflix rather than the weather ones. It's not that I am not in love with the seasons, they bring me so much joy. But I love to focus on the internal seasons we have within us and where we stand in our own lives. I think a lot that our lives are this whole series of different seasons like on Netflix, each has its own special plot. Here are some things that have been really prominent in my current season of life.

  • Admitting it's okay to not know what you want to do with your life. There is no stress, it will be figured out with time even if it may not be today.

  • Simple yogurt and granola.

  • Cardigans. Yes, I may be a little late hopping on the trend but yall I am obsessed. Even pairing a good cardigan with a basic top and just some leggings, its so comfy and looks like you are putting in an effort.

  • Ordering hot coffee from coffee shops when you could easily brew it at home instead. Oh how I love romanticizing coffee.

  • Going on walks by yourself, even if it's just around the block.

  • Hot yoga.

  • Simply just being. Living in the moment. 

  • “No one is going to know or care about your failures, and neither should you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around you. All that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are.” - mark cuban

  • When driving on the highway, I keep track of all the different states you find on licenses plates. As of 3/2/23 I have seen 43 out of 50 state license plates.

  • Simple butter and toast. 

  • Saying hi to people you know when walking past them and not pretending you don’t know them for once.

  • Using hair curlers.

  • Taylor Swift, especially 1989.

  • Oh and can’t forget Rolling Stones.

  • Taking really long showers. And listening to some really good music.

  • Studying in the library.

  • Sleeping in. You need rest, you need to admit it. It's okay to sleep in some days and not wake up just to get back on the grind again. Give yourself the grace.

  • Having a taste for art.

  • Respecting yourself.

  • Talking about giving yourself grace, literally just give yourself grace. We are never going to be perfect humans, allow yourself to let it be okay to make mistakes. We all mess up here and there but just admitting that you made a mistake is a step in the right direction, don’t be hard on yourself. 

  • Allowing yourself to be creative.

This season of my life, especially with starting this mini blog, I am focusing on being myself, showing up authentically and perfectly imperfect. I can’t wait to bring share with yall in this next season.

So much love for you all!


Freedom: Live Your Life